Religious Education (CCD)– classes resume on Wednesday,
Safe Environment Training –
St. Dominic Fall Social –
All Souls’ Prayer Service: Sunday, November 1 @ 1 p.m., we will gather in the Holy Rosary/St. Dominic Cemetery for a brief prayer service for the faithful departed buried there and a visit to their graves. Should it rain the service will be held at Holy Rosary Church. All are invited to join us for this memorial service.
St. D PTO Chili Supper: On Election Day, Tues., Nov. 7 from 4-8 p.m.- St. D gym
Mass Offering for Veterans, Active Servicemen/Women & Wounded Warriors: The Mass Intention at the 10:30 Mass on Sun., Nov. 5th, is being offered up for our Veterans, Active Servicemen/Women & Wounded Warriors. Most of our liturgical roles during this Mass (Greeters, Lectors, Ushers, Gift Bearers, and Eucharistic Ministers) will be fulfilled by Veterans. Toward the end of Mass a special blessing will be offered up in honor of those who have or do serve in the Military. At that time, Veterans & Active Servicemen/Women will be invited to come to the Altar in prayer. If you’d prefer to participate by standing from where you are sitting, that is fine too! Also, we’d love to take a photo for our parish Facebook page of ALL the servicemen/women (past & present) who are in attendance at this Mass. So after Mass, please hang around for a bit for a quick photo.
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration-: Please join us for Mass celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe @ 5 a.m. A celebration will follow in the St. D gym from 6-7:30 a.m. More details will be given when they become available.
Blessing of a Child in the Womb: In the Catholic Church there is a Rite of Blessing for unborn children. This rite serves to publicly affirm the precious gift of human life and to embrace parents and families as they prepare to welcome the birth of a child. We invite all expectant mothers & fathers to participate in this blessing. Fr. David
Christmas Mass Schedule: Dec. 24, @ 4:30 p.m. & 11 p.m. Dec. 25 @ 9 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (Spanish). Please join us as we celebrate our Lord’s birth!
Night of Knights Awards Dinner –
First Holy Communion – Sunday, May 2, 2021 @ the 10:30 a.m. Mass.
Confirmation Mass with Archbishop Joseph Kurtz – Friday, March 26, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Retired Religious Collection is generally taken up the second Sunday in December, this collection benefits some 34,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. Most elder religious worked for years for small stipends, leaving a substantial gap in retirement savings. With the ever-rising cost of health care and the increase in the number of those needing care, many religious communities now struggle to provide for their senior members. The Retirement Fund for Religious offers vital financial assistance to help meet day-to-day needs for prescription medications, nursing care, and more. For more information, see www.retiredreligious.org.
St. Dominic Adult Bible Study (September-May) on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement. No registration required. New participants always welcome.
St. Vincent de Paul Society generally meets once a month & always welcomes new members. Anyone interested in learning more about the society is invited to attend. Please see bulletin for next meeting date.
Alcoholics Anonymous: meets every Tuesday @ 8 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Open to all!
Handicap Parking Accessibility: In recent years there have been handicapped accessible parking areas added to the backside of St. Dominic Church. These spots are designed to give preferred access to people with physical challenges. The reserved handicapped parking areas are marked for cars/trucks and ONE specifically marked for VAN parking. This spot allows the van to pull in, giving plenty of room for the van’s wheelchair lift to be lowered, allowing the parishioner to independently gain access to the sidewalk & church entrance. Thank you for being observant of our handicapped parking areas at all times.
Needing gift cards? There are numerous gift card options to choose from. If you purchase a gift card for $25 that’s what it is worth. There are no hidden fees. Scrip is a great fundraiser for St. D at no extra cost to you. Order forms and envelopes can be found on the table in the back of church. Put your order form & check in an ENVELOPE and drop it in the collection basket, drop it by the school office or send it to school with a St. D student. You will be contacted once order has been fulfilled. Gift card orders are submitted bi-weekly. The sooner you order, the sooner you get your gift cards. Contact Theresa Mattingly at 336-3730 with any questions.
Support St. Dominic Church by shopping at AmazonSmile: When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to St. Dominic Church. Support us every time you shop by going to: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/61-0463942
Newspaper Recycling Pick-up (City Limits): 2nd Monday of the month, no pick-up in July. Please have your papers by the curb by no later than 2 p.m., weather permitting. Just a reminder, there are several types of materials that All-Weather Insulation will not accept through our St. D. paper recycling program. Magazines, cardboard, catalogs, or any slick paper can’t be accepted. We do take dry newspapers, shredded paper and any office or school papers without staples. When unacceptable materials are put into the trailer it creates a huge task for the volunteers who help keep it organized. The paper recycling drive has been a solid fund raiser for St. D for many years and we appreciate everyone who has supported it by re-gifting their newspapers!
I.G.A. Grocery Receipts, Box Tops for Education & Campbell’s Labels act as fundraisers for St. D School. They can be deposited in the wooden boxes in the back of the church.