CARD MINISTRY: Sending a greeting card opens a little window in a person’s heart – both of the sender and the receiver. Consider sending a card to those within our parish family who may need a little extra encouragement. Greeting cards are a personal expression, a communication tool, and means for building and strengthening relationships. Cards can be something more; they can be a ministry!! Participate in this ministry by sending a card; the receiver’s address will be placed in the back of church. Contact: Sonya Satterly – 336-3569.
ELIZABETH MINISTRY: Following the example of Mary & Elizabeth, this ministry creates welcome baskets for parents of newly baptized babies within our parish. If you do any type of knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc. and would be willing to make and donate booties, blankets, and caps, we could use your talent! Or maybe you don’t knit or sew, but would like to occasionally donate baby items such as wipes, lotion, shampoo or wash. Contacts: Rose Goodlett – 336-9483 or Angela Young – 336-3569
MISCELLANEOUS: If you have any specific skill or talent you wish to share with St. Dominic
Church that may not be included in any other classification, feel free to add it on your Stewardship Intention Form in the Specific Skills/ Talent section. Contact: Parish Office – 859-336-3569