PARISH COUNCIL: Members are chosen for a three-year term to consult with the pastor on pastoral needs and missions of our parish.
St. DOMINIC SCHOOL BOARD: This board is chosen to work with the principal and pastor in guiding and directing St. Dominic School. Contact: School 859-336-3569
STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE: Provides a process for parish members to offer their time, talent and treasure as a Christian way of life.
CEMETERY COMMITTEE: Plans and directs the upkeep of our cemetery, including the sale of graves and maintenance of cemetery records. Contacts: Rachel Fenwick 859-481-4943.
FALL SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Helps organize and plan the fall social. Besides generating funds to help support our church and school, this gives our parish and school families a chance to work and socialize together. Chairperson: (Kitchen) Cassie Michalski 859-481-3517, BOOTH CHAIR NEEDED.
BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE: This committee works closely with the Administration Committee to oversee maintenance and improvement projects necessary for the upkeep of our church and school ground. If you are handy with tools, skilled at building and fixing things or have a green thumb, we would sure appreciate your talents. Contact: Louis Barber 859-336-9950 or Ben Smith 859-336-3308.
ALUMNI RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Helps the parish and school organize and maintain an alumni database while at the same time promoting alumni relations. Contact: Pam Breunig – 859-336-7165.