RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): Participate in the process of preparing adults for the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion). Sponsors and team members needed. Contact: Angela Young (DRE) 336-3569.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD): Teachers and aides are always needed to provide religious formation for our children who do not attend a Catholic school. Contact: Angela Young (DRE) 336-3569.
SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are always needed as cafeteria workers, lunchroom monitors, tutors, PTO, etc. Contact: Pam Breunig (Principal) 336-7165.
SUBSTITUTE SCHOOL TEACHER: Must have at least 60 college credit hours, background check and Safe Environment Training. Contact: Pam Breunig (Principal) 336-7165.
YOUTH GROUP MEMBER OR YOUTH GROUP HOST/VOLUNTEER: Faith based ministry for older elementary and high school students. Also, parents are always needed to help with activities. Consider opening your home (once a year) to host a youth group meeting and/or event. Contact: Angela Young (DRE) 336-3569 or Rachel Fenwick (859)481-4943
KIDS FOR JESUS: This group meets monthly to provide activities for our children ages Preschool through 6th grade. Contact: Debbie Murphy 336-0323 or Angela Young (DRE) 336-3569.
ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Generally meets on Monday evenings. No need to wait, feel free to drop in at any time. Contact: Angela Young (336-3569/[email protected] or Keith White 805-0262/ Colette Hill 481-4950.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL VOLUNTEER: Helps organize and lead VBS which takes place one week during Summer. Contact: Angela Young 336-3569.
SENIORS ACTIVITIES GROUP: An opportunity for those age 55 and older to grow spiritually and socially.